What is Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Body Contouring?

What is Ultrasound Fat Cavitation?

Let’s start by describing sound; sound is a vibration that is created from a medium (vocal cords, stereo, machine) which then forms mechanical sound waves.  These waves are then passed through matter (air, liquid, gas).  (Ultra)sound waves consist of soundwaves that are greater than 20000hz, which is greater than we can hear especially as we get older.

Sound waves behave in 3 different ways.

1/ Reflection – when the energy from the wave is bounced off the surface, e.g. an echo.

2/ Reflection – when the soundwave changes direction once it hits a surface, e.g. when it hits water.

3/ Absorption – Where the surface takes in the soundwave and it is then converted to heat.

The density of the matter and the frequency of the soundwave will impact how deep the wave will penetrate.  The denser the matter the more resistance is met.


How does Ultrasound Fat Cavitation work?

The ultrasound wave penetrates your fat cell (lipid).  This causes microbubbles to form inside the cell.  These bubbles then move around causing kinetic energy and the fat inside the cell is liquified.  This in turn puts pressure on the cell wall.  Small channels are formed in the cell…the fat leaves and the cell shrinks.

The triglycerides(fat) are then released into your lympatic and your liver and kidney process and excrete them.


What to expect at your first treatment?

You will be asked to fill in a client information form which will inform us of your general lifestyle and any health concerns.  We will discuss any issues with you on the day.

You will then have a consultation and we will discuss which areas you would like to be treated.

Before photographs are taken.

Once we have you up on the bed, we will prepare your skin and apply some glycerine to the area.  This provides the ‘slip’ factor so the kinetic energy doesn’t build up too much and create too much heat.

You will hear a cricket like sound in your ears, which is just the ultrasound waves moving through your body.

A maximum of 4 areas (10 minutes per area) can be treated in one session as we don’t want to put too much pressure of your lymphatic system.  Each session should be spaced at least 72 hours apart to allow your body to properly flush out the toxins released from the treatment.

We then take some after photos and put them together so you can see the immediate difference.

We recommend a course of 6-10 sessions, depending on the individual and the areas treated.

It is important to be well hydrated both before and after your treatment to allow the movement of the toxins. 

Exercising or elevating your heart rate after your session is also highly recommended, again to assist with moving the toxins through and out of your body.


